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Updating Platformio

Sometimes, when building and uploading the firmware, you may run into bizarre, even-though the code is correct - platformio will refuse to build and instead will complain with some weird error.

It usually means that either PlatformIO, or ArduinoSDK got and update and that's the moment when this guide may come in handy.

Updating PlatformIO itself

There are two ways to update your platformio installation


You can update it easily by simply typing in one command into your terminal.

pio upgrade command in the terminal
  1. Open a terminal / command prompt
  2. Type pio upgrade and press enter
  3. Wait for it to finish
  4. Done

Via PlatformIO in Visual Studio Code

You can also update it using the platformio tab in your Visual Studio Code.

  1. Open VSC
  2. Click on that little and icon on the sidebar
Platformio logo button
  1. A side panel will open, there will be a couple of sections, one of them called Quick Access, open it.
Platformio logo Quick Access Section
  1. In Quick Access section, click on the Miscelleneous tab
Platformio miscellaneous section
  1. Then, click on the Upgrade PlatformIO Core
Platformio upgrade core button
  1. Wait for it to finnish and done!

Upgrading the SDK

You'll also need to upgrade the SDK from timem to do this

Upgrading the SDK via VSC

  1. Follow the guide above up until clicking on the Quick Access section.
  2. Instead, open the PIO Home and select Open
Platformio open home
  1. This will open a window for PlatformIO dashboard, in there, click on a Platforms button on the sidebar
Platformio platforms sidebar
  1. Once there, you should see a couple of tabs next to the side bard, things like Installed or Embedded. Click on Updates
Platformio platforms sections
  1. Locate a platform called Espressif 32 and click on Update to <version>
Platformio platforms update view
  1. Wait until it is done and that's it!

Released under the MIT License.