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What are "Headset Specific Guides"?

This is an initiative to provide specific information on specific headsets. Any weird quirks, recommended 3d printed mounts and different setup types are to be included on a page.

Complete submissions will receive a 50% off coupon for the ETVR store. Partial completions (one specific mount) will receive 15% off coupons to show our appreciation and provide an incentive. (reach out to me in dms to receive the code @prohurtz)

Thank you for working to improve EyeTrackVR's accessibility!


Please keep it as concise as possible, and spell check before submitting. You can submit by making a PR on github, or sending the .md file to #documentation in the ETVR Discord pinging @prohurtz . Take a look at the Valve Index guide for inspiration.

file name: ex.,

Page formatting and template:

Headset Name

Xyz's mod:

[image(s) of mod (limit ~2)]

Mod Details

This mod supports lens inserts and is very compact and easy to use. It provides good frunk ventilation and wide hardware support.

Extra Parts Needed:

  • 2x Camera extensions
  • 2x Camera extension connectors

Parts Link (If the parts needed are not on the additional parts page, let me know. You can also just directly link to them.)

3D Printed Mounts

Found at Xyz's GitHub

You will need to print:

  • 2x camera mount
  • 2x frunk mount

Lens insert support Yes/No: Yes Compatable mount


There are 160 and 130-degree variants for camera mounts; pick which one corresponds with your cameras.

Assembly Details:

(make sure to include quirks of setup not covered in other parts of documentation)

First, screw an M2 screw into the hole on part A:

[image showing "part A" and screw]

You must have a Torx screwdriver set to remove the frunk screw, do so now.


Then attach part b and tighten:


Now clip on [image]

Abc's mod:

[image(s) of mod (limit ~2)]

Mod Details

This mod supports lens inserts and is very compact and easy to use. It provides good frunk ventilation and wide hardware support.

Extra Parts Needed:

  • 2x Camera extensions
  • 2x Camera extension connectors
  • 50 M3 screws Parts Link (If the parts needed are not on the additional parts page, let me know. You can also just directly link to them.)

3D Printed Mounts

Found at Abc's GitHub

You will need to print:

  • 2x camera mount
  • 2x frunk mount

Lens insert support Yes/No: Yes Compatable mount


There are 160 and 130-degree variants for camera mounts; pick which one corresponds with your cameras.

Assembly Details:

(make sure to include quirks of setup not covered in other parts of documentation)

First, screw an M2 screw into the hole on part A:

[image showing "part A" and screw]

You must have a Torx screwdriver set to remove the frunk screw, do so now.


Then attach part b and tighten:


Now clip on [image]

Released under the MIT License.